Showing posts with label Chapter 4 - Her Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 4 - Her Mental Health. Show all posts

Monday, 9 March 2015

Women Are Sick!

Women are sick. They are mentally ill. One of the characteristics of mental illness is stereotyping. What that means is that one woman is sick in exactly the same way as another. You see the same patterns over and over again.

Our culture is involved in a complex scam trying to cover up this situation, particularly from young men. The worst case scenario is the totally oblivious guy who gets himself into a bad situation. However, most guys know something is wrong, but just can't put their finger on it because of the brainwashing. At first, they figure they just met some wacko and then try again. When the next one turns out just the same, they start to investigate if something is wrong with themselves (pleeeennnty of asshole relationship experts are willing to feed this). After awhile they come to the amazing conclusion that, yes, something is wrong with the entire female population. But they only know that something is wrong. And they don't know that "something" can be mapped out and understood.

Every time we examine a case, we learn a little more about the specifics of that "something". Understanding the nature of a thing gives you power over it. Because humans have free will and exercise it in every single facet of our existence, you can never change another. Only they can change themselves, and only by choosing to do so, with no influence possible from anyone or anything. However, that doesn't mean you can't get things you need from them or have to put up with their bullshit. Understanding that "something" gives you vital information on how to 1) get what you want and need from women and 2) how to prevent them from causing you undue hardship.

It's not simple, but it is understandable, reliable and effective. 
You Can't Assume You Are Dealing with Nice, Normal, Rational, Loving People
Click Pic for "Social Strategy: Why Men Shouldn't Argue with Women"
You can't assume you are dealing with nice, normal, rational, loving people when you deal with women. Since that isn’t even close to being true, making a situation come out right is much more a function of enforcing your will on them, than convincing them with rational arguments. First, cultivate power, and then use that power to force the other person to do what you want, then choose what you want them to do wisely. Yes, men and women should both come to the table with the idea that acting in a good and loving manner will result in a relationship with almost unlimited potential and fulfillment. The problem is, I can pretty much guarantee that the woman will not be coming from this position and, instead will be looking to do as little as possible, be as little invested as possible, and be as sick as possible. In order to prevent that, you must be the one who calls the shots in all things. The words benevolent dictator comes to mind. Problem is, our society and legal system are completely dedicated to wiping out your power, even punishing you, if you dare to marry or get her pregnant. They will even cooperate with the sicker ones to bust your balls outside that arrangement if you aren’t careful.
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
PMS is one of those gigantic lies that is disguised by a grain of truth. American women have a diet that swings from cake, candy, cookies, ice cream, chocolate, cocaine and booze, on one hand... to subsisting on a single string bean for days at a time, on the other. Among many other things, this leaves your hormones completely out of whack. So when that time of the month comes around, they feel like shit. This is the grain of truth.

The lie that surrounds this grain of truth is that wild mood swings, hatred, and psychotic behavior go hand in hand with this. Yeah, women feel crappy because of the consequences of their foolish choices in life. But in no way does that lead to bad behavior. PMS is a myth... a myth that bad women try to use as an excuse for what they do.

The next time a woman tries to use PMS as an excuse for behaving badly, raise your eyebrows, look her straight in the eyes and say "So?"
Women Don't Actually Have Personality Disorders... They Have Asshole-ism
Women don’t actually have personality disorders (except the ones that have eating disorders…..the two go hand in hand). They have asshole-ism. There is a very big difference between mental disorders and fucked-upness. Mental disorders are diseases. They can be treated with varying degrees of expectation that the treatment will work. When under stress, the disease remains or even gets worse. Fucked-upness is an affectation caused by someone’s self-willed behavior. When under stress (for example, a life threatening situation), it vanishes. Since it is not a disease, it cannot be treated. It only ends when the person doing it decides to improve their behavior. Once that happens, it instantly goes away.

When I say women are sick, I’m being facetious. There is nothing “wrong” with them and certainly nothing is going on that they don’t have control over. They are being assholes in a way that looks like personality disorders. Actually, the whole idea of personality disorders is controversial. Because they are resistant to treatment and not well understood, some people don’t think they are actual disease.

Personally, I DO think they are actual mental illness because a person with such a diagnosis does not have strong, immediate control over the behavior (i.e., they can decide they’ve had enough but be unable to change). Women don’t fall into this category (mostly). Any woman, at any time, can accept the awareness of what the problem is and immediately correct it….gaining a happy and fulfilling life in the process. Most will NEVER accept that responsibility. The only way to affect this situation is to surround them with evidence of what the problem is (them). If everywhere they look there are happy, successful couples (American men married to foreign women), they might decide they want some of that. But probably not. What will happen is, their daughters will see it and won’t grow up the same way their mothers did.
The Problem Is So Pervasive That It's Difficult To Avoid
The problem is so pervasive in women that it is difficult to avoid. Realistically, you will not meet a woman who is not like this, even if you spend an extended amount of time searching. A man can and should be as assertive as possible with any woman he is with. That being said, women are an aggressive pain in the ass and it takes a large amount of energy to do this….it’s a battle of wills. The closer a woman gets to you, the more intense that battle becomes. But, that’s not the worst part….nonono. The worst part is the woman will decompensate, no matter what you do. Eventually, she will abandon you or force you to eject her from your life. That is unavoidable if you want to prevent becoming her abused pet dog. The situation is made much worse because of state interference. Quite literally, you no longer have this right if you dare to get married or if she gets pregnant. If you or her decides to leave, the state will punish you severely. All women use this situation to really ramp up the abuse.  Most eventually leave so that the state can whip their dog even more.

This is a very difficult situation to deal with, women en masse deciding to be so toxic. If you play your cards right, you can get many of your needs met while at the same time forcing women to accept the consequences of their inappropriate behavior. However, you cannot have what is most important in life…..a permanent monogamous relationship and family with a good woman. That is simply unavailable here, no matter what you do.
Most Women Are In Relationships That Aren't Fun
Most women right now are in relationships that are decidedly un-fun. Either they are busy being abused by the lowest end of the gene pool or they are busy abusing some man who is her meal ticket. Women are sick, not demanding or spoiled or shallow or interested in pleasure. I have learned this MANY times by trying to be the “fun” women are supposedly seeking….interesting, dynamic, good looking with a nice body, rich, with obvious signs of power and wealth and good in bed. You never realize just how far women have fallen until some girl you previously spent 5 or 6 hour fuck sessions where she is multiply orgasmic the entire time, dumps you for an impotent drug user with no job. This has happened to me more than once.

Women are sick. It’s the explanation that fits their behavior. When I tailor MY behavior to take this into account, my interactions with them work better. Specifically, my behavior is geared toward enjoyment of them while putting severe limits on their destructive behavior. I never lean on them for even the slightest thing. I never become entwined with them (they are sick and will make me sick if I make them part of my life). I never listen to anything they say and instead watch what they do. Also, I have stopped trying to take my quality as a man to extremes (it just doesn’t work). I am still a man, but I’m that way for myself, not for them. I still work out but I no longer try to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a tailored Brooks Brothers suit. When I’m with them, what I want is important. Pleasing them is not important (and not effective). Spending time with them revolves around sex (sex for my pleasure, not theirs) and going out to do things I like to do (not what they like to do). Most of all, I limit myself to only women who already feel a certain way about me (it’s mostly random). And, it’s time limited. It’s ALWAYS time limited. She eventually self-destructs. I can’t do anything about that. But, she wants to take me with her. I most certainly CAN do something about that. This ALWAYS happens. Like I said, women are sick. They don’t choose men. They don’t go after what they want. They don’t tend the garden of their lives. They fall into relationships when they can’t do without anymore (the binge and purge method of relationships). In short, they take absolutely no responsibility for anything in their lives. Since that is a recipe for disaster; I can’t be a part of that except in the most incidental fashion. So I don’t.

All of these things work with women. They don’t work as well as being a scumbag musician like Tommy Lee does, but it works. Providing excitement, thrills, entertainment and trying to please her does not work. Doing what she wants doesn’t work. Understanding her does not work. Talking to her does not work. Neither does accumulating wealth, power or prestige (although infamy does work).

Women are sick. Learn the depths and means of their sickness and plan accordingly.
Desperate Non-Housewives

As women age, their ability to get men plummets. Paradoxically, their standards go through the roof because they know the next one will be the last one (and they have been led toward an attitude of entitlement due to their past experiences with men). Then, their ability to get a man drops to zero, just about the time a woman hits 40. The inability to get the type of man they think they deserve and being left with no future and zero options, leaves a woman incredibly bitter and used up. The irony is that a great many men would at least fuck them (nobody wants them as a wife), but because of the bitterness, they opt out.

You always see the same thing. A 40ish woman, average looks, who hates men, but wants the top 1% quality wise... and has nothing to offer.

Living in La-La-Land

I think that the basic problem is that most women here are only interested in the fantasy of living life and not the reality of it. Only what is going on in their heads matters to them, not what is actually going on outside in the real world. Any time there is a conflict between the two, they treat what's in their head as true rather than what's outside. That's the very definition of a crazy person. A big problem with that is what goes on in your head is transitory and ephemeral. It disappears as soon as you daydream about something else.

However, the behavior women do based on this have very real and permanent consequences.

For example, if you have some fantasy about being in love with a guy, marry him and then have kids, but 10 years later you lose interest in that fantasy, the consequences of that are rather harsh. And women never seem to realize what is at the root of their problems. They tend to blame the problems on men. Blah, blah, blah... I don't love you anymore because you are boring, unromantic and a whole bunch of other things that are thinly veiled bullshit with no basis in reality. The truth is they were never in love in the first place. Love has to do with what you do outside in the real world... your behavior and what you build with it. It has nothing to do with what is going on in your head, even though what is going on in your head may be fun and exciting.

I think a pretty basic thing every man needs to pay attention to when in any relationship is how much does the woman's behavior match up with what she is saying. She says "I love you", but does she act in a loving manner? Does she do things that are incompatible with a person who loves you? Most importantly, does she work toward long term goals based on nurturing a love relationship that is permanent, or is she just along for the ride. Very few women act in any way except just enjoying the moment. What that means is, your behavior and the decisions you make with regard to her should be based on that. I think it is inappropriate to be monogamous with someone who is just having fun times with you. Certainly it is not a good idea live with themmarry them and God forbid, have children with them. Those things absolutely require certain continuous and extended behaviours that the woman (and men and women are absolutely different in this regard) is just not interested in.

To put it another way: American men make the best husbands on the planet. But, American women make the worst wives.

Everyone except Americans seems to know it, too.
Women Don't Hate Men, But Don't Love Them Either
Click Pic for "You're Such a Tool!"
Outside of the psychos, my experience has been that women don’t hate men (any woman who hates men is a pariah….and knows it). The problem is that they don’t love them either. They feel, and are often addicted to, the strong emotions and temporary states of love. But they never build the shared purpose, evolution, growth and bonding that goes along with love. That’s the part that endures and builds over time. That’s the part that is real. The moment they don’t get their “fix” of strong emotions, they’re gone. That’s a problem because you absolutely cannot have a marriage or even a monogamous relationship under those circumstances. You can never go beyond just dating without it turning into a disaster. To make matters worse, the man is usually building all those things from his point of view. When she leaves, she rips an important piece of his psyche out. Many men don’t recover. And many women die on the vine, some time after their 30′s, from lack of real love (not just the emotion) in their lives.

There are large numbers of women who are in marriages and other relationships that and are just empty shells of suffereing and don’t know why. This is why.
“Women have no sympathy… and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. And it is so intimate too. Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving you any in return for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so." – Florence Nightingale
Women Want Strong Emotions, But Don't Care If Those Emotions Are Negative
Click Pic for "Woman: The Most Responsible Teenager in the House?"
QUOTE: "In my case it wasn’t just “pussy” that kept me around, I deeply loved my girlfriend and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. And she talked like she wanted that too. But she didn’t want to cooperate and work with me towards that goal, she just wanted to keep testing me and pushing the envelope to see what she could get away with. She would intentionally do things that she knew I would find upsetting just so she could get me upset. Stupid things, like keeping the radio or TV on loud all night."

This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. She wants the strong emotions and doesn’t care that the particular emotions she gets are negative (anger, fear, jealousy pain etc.) Worse, there really is no relationship as far as she is concerned (it doesn’t matter that you have built a relationship and think you two are in love). You could (and usually are) married for 20 years with 4 kids, and she walks away without a second thought. That’s because it was all pretend for her.  And the consequences don’t matter to her.

What this means, quite simply, is there is no way in hell you can be monogamous with her. No matter your situation. No matter what you have been to eachother, what’s REALLY going on is she has never moved past the initial stages of infatuation. Your “relationship” doesn’t exist and she will disrespect you if you think it does. She will do a hell of a lot more, if you are stupid enough to marry her and/or have kids.
Could She Just Walk Out of Your Life?
Could? Will is more like it. She WILL walk out of your life without remorse. This is a concept you absolutely must understand when dealing with western women. She WILL walk out of your life without remorse AND, depending on how embedded she was in your life, cause varying levels of problems WHEN she leaves AND, depending on how fucked up she is, try to harm you and/or any children you have together, up to the limit you allow her to.

You cannot ignore the implications of this when you decide what type of relationship to have with a woman. Choose wisely and in such a way that it limits the mischief she causes. Or else…..

Also, when she is with you, she is in no way limiting herself just to you. Another thing to know about before deciding if monogamy (a scam) is for you. You never know about it, but she is actively looking for other men the entire time she is with you and goes through a string of men (whether you are married, living together or just dating), the entire time you know her. You can’t let her know you know because she will just deny it and step up her search for your replacement. The moment she finds one, you’re gone.

Lastly, the moment a woman “has you”, she no longer wants you and will stop trying. The moment you accept the monogamous relationship, the bad behavior starts and she will soon be gone. You can’t keep her. But, you can make her stay around longer by making her compete.

So, should you cheat on her? No, that’s something a pussy whipped man, who is unworthy of respect, does. The only thing that will earn bad behavior more than monogamy is lying about monogamy. Do you lay down the law and say, look bitch; I just want pussy from you? Maybe. That works, but only with the most fucked up women. These women are into finding new and interesting ways to make themselves and you suffer…..avoid them. The best way to do this is to never allow the monogamous relationship to form in the first place. You must rigidly control how fast and how deep the relationship develops. You must set limits. You must say no to everything she asks for. And you must severely limit the time you spend with any particular woman (once every two weeks is a good rule of thumb). Make the time you spend with her, intense, but limited (ie valuable). She will inevitably ask why. The answer should always be vague, never defensive, and always some version of, I’m a busy man with a limited amount of time. Never allow her to think you are monogamous with her or that the relationship is getting serious but don’t rub her face in the fact that you see other women (nobody’s business but yours). Don’t allow her to make you accountable for time you spend away from her. Don’t let her leave shit at your apartment. And, whatever you do, don’t stop your behaviors designed to meet new women. In fact, since you have a woman, it’s a good time to step up those behaviors because this magically makes you much more attractive to women in general (and the effect is cumulative).
It's Very Difficult to Come to Terms with How Fast an Important Relationship Evaporates
(Re: A man with a psychotic wife)

It’s very difficult to come to terms with how quickly an important relationship (important to you, not to her) evaporates. It’s happened to me. It’s happened to a lot of guys here. All I can say is there is a hell of a lot more going on with women, particularly women like this, than meets the eye. Much of it is intentional deception on their part, much of it is psychotic behavior (literally in this case, with a diagnosis like bipolar). Because of this, and because of certain patterns of behavior that go along with this, it just isn’t safe for you to still have her in your life. You need to train yourself to discount what women say and watch for patterns in what they do. In this case, she is telling you certain things but I think you should protect yourself from certain behaviours she is likely to engage in. What she says and what she does probably won’t match up. I think you should divorce her as quickly and cleanly as possible, take extreme measures to make sure she never again darkens your doorstep (and she probably will try to) and examine the many warning signs this one showed you to prevent all the others (and there will be others) just like her from coming into your life.

The point I’m trying to make is there are several major patterns you see again and again with women, relationships and divorce. The patterns are repeating and pretty reliable from relationship to relationship. Yours is one of them… of the more extreme and disturbing ones. Unfortunately, there are some dangerous behaviours that go along with this particular pattern that I think you should look out for.

One thing I am a BIG advocate of is men identifying women like this as early as possible and getting rid of them. There is no hope of making things work because the other person is just broken and can’t be fixed. If you try, you will be hurt, maybe even killed (I’m not exaggerating with that). Marrying them is one of the worst mistakes a man can make in life and if a man wakes up one day and finds himself in such a bad situation, he needs to be aware of what could happen (hell, what is likely to happen) and extricate himself carefully and in a protected way.

The first step is knowing what is going on. Groups like this can help, but what you really need is a support group of divorced men (men only!) to compare notes with and talk about these issues. I think you will be shocked at the similarity you would have with other guys going through the same thing. Similarity in behaviours from the women, similarity in ways of thinking, and similarity in what happens. But, there is also similarity in ways you can deal with these things too.
Click Pic for the Free Online Book, "The Predatory Female"
The Predatory Female
I’d like to share a section from the book, The Predatory Female, by Rev. Lawrence Shannon, that might explain better what’s going on. This sort of thing with women is extremely common (it happened to me, only much worse, lol)

Love Gap

Q. I lived with a girl for over a year, but when I refused to marry her, she broke off our affair and moved out. Within two weeks she was married to another man. I saw her recently and she behaved like a stranger, despite having professed undying love only three months previously. How do you explain such radical changes?

A. There were no changes. She never cared about you in the first place, but you have been blind to it by failing to grasp the nature of the predatory female. You loved her but she didn’t love you. She is incapable of loving anyone, including her new husband. A predatory female never loves anyone but herself [note: my personal belief is she never loves anyone, ever, especially herself.....that's the real source of the problem.] Using sex to lure men into loving her, she can only pretend at loving them back. This is natural, involuntary behaviour for the predatory female. She feeds them sex, fusses over them, makes them feel loved, but it’s only an act. It’s the chameleon syndrome in full bloom. [Note: chameleon syndrome is described elsewhere in the book.....women are able to take on whatever character traits and behaviours make them seem the most attractive to an pending victim] She uses their love, or infatuation, to manipulate and control, stinging them like the wasp on a spider’s back, until they are incapable of rational thought where she is concerned. The predatory female never becomes emotionally involved in the same way a male does. Her emotional involvement is strictly contingent upon her degree of success in bringing the male crashing to earth. It is not a conscious deceit, but an unconscious one. When, as in your case, she fails to trap him permanently [or chooses not to], she can easily leave because her involvement was only temporal. This is one of the toughest axioms for men to accept: Predatory females flatly don’t care. The person deserving the sympathy is the poor unfortunate who married her. He has volunteered to become the host body for this parasite, and serves as another proof that slavery is the natural state of man.

Q. I just can’t believe that women don’t really ever love men, at least in the same way men love them.

A. The predatory female herself is sometimes fooled in this regard. She can be victimized by her own predatory nature, especially if she’s young. But the experienced ones know better. They’re counting on your inability to understand or accept it. They know your male ego will side with them. If your girlfriend sincerely believes she loves you, be sympathetic, be understanding. She doesn’t know herself yet. But don’t let her immaturity bring havoc into your life.
Men Harmed By Relationships More Than Women

Just Say "No" to Divorced Women & Single Moms

Most men who are divorced have been abandoned/victimized by a woman who flaked on them. They did their part, she did not. He did not want the divorce and she forced it on him, for no reason at all beyond her own insanity. The reverse is not true. Most women who are divorced, caused their divorce, chose divorce, forced divorce on their husband and and did all sorts of things to cause as much harm as possible, usually during a self-destructive death spiral. To say any sane man should stay the hell away from them is an understatement. There are exceptions, but they are relatively uncommon. Just as there are exceptions to divorced men. Some were abusive freaks, or ran off with their secretary or something equally inappropriate. But they are rare outside the lower socio-economic classes. Even the exceptions (and I have direct experience with this), a man will find she is the type of woman who seeks out bad men. You'll see a long history of weeding out the good men and only choosing the bad. Not that big of a problem. The problem happens when they try to get you to recreate the behavior and then dump you if you refuse. Ahhh yes, the joys of being called a loser because you refuse to beat someone.

The bottom line. Men should just say no to divorced women, especially with kids.  But women don't have to follow the same rule. They can find many great men who have been divorced and encounter few problems if any. The kids thing though is a hassle, and a major obstacle to any type of serious long-term relationship, even if they are very young when you first come on the scene.
Living Together is a Scam
The problem with living together is it’s a huge scam. You think you are getting a girlfriend but the only reason she is there at all is to spend 100% of her time manipulating you into marriage, while blocking off your access to other women. If you don’t have options, her behavior goes hog wild. Your ability to walk away is severely compromised. You’ll definitely be abused and you will probably end up married.

Additionally, some states have bizarre laws that give a live in women close to the same ability to screw you as a wife.

Once the camel gets its head in the tent, it gets all the way in. You can’t get her out without your belongings being strewn all over the desert.
Sleeping with Single Moms and Co-Habitating
Unfortunately, I have had experience sleeping with single moms and cohabitating (not both with the same woman, thank God). What I have found is the mother will neglect her children in the extreme in order to spend time with you, doing one perverted thing after another. When she gets tired of you, she will use the children as an excuse to blow you off (sorry I can’t see you anymore, our relationship takes too much time away from my children). If you balk at this, she will take the “how dare you try to get me to neglect my children to satisfy your petty needs” approach. Many guys I know tell me that single mothers try very hard to turn them into a daddy for their kids. Since I make it a point to always be as disreputable as possible, none have tried that tact with me, yet. But I can see where this is a major thing to be careful of and a good reason to enforce a no contact policy with her kids. The worst part of dating a mother is having to endure her constant abuse of her children. The moment you say anything about it, you and her are quits. It’s fucked up.

I learned a very painful lesson cohabitating with a woman for 10 years. That lesson was that  women never truly become attached to any man, no matter how deep or intense the relationship seems, no matter how monogamous or even if you are engaged, married whatever. My woman and I were everything to eachother and planned to get married as soon as we both had our doctorates. I stood by her through incredibly tough times and took care of her, moulding her from the silly bitch she was into a capable and successful professional woman. And she walked out of my life without a second thought, for no discernable reason. Literally, the week before, she made me swear to never leave her and to love her forever. She took our love and murdered it, in exchange for something sick and unworthy.
Click Pic for "Living in La-La-Land"
This anecdote illustrates perhaps THE most important thing about dating American women. The relationships are disposable and the love isn’t real (although you will think it is, no matter how much you know better). Because of this, there is NEVER a reason to have them as anything but a fuck toy. That is what they are for. The choice isn’t yours to make and if you make decisions based on any other understanding, you are in for the ultimate ass kicking. Because of this, it is an extremely bad idea to cohabitate with a woman or allow your lives to become entangled in any way. She WILL be gone, sooner, rather than later, and will rip up any part of your life that is entangled with hers. Live together? Expect to be homeless afterwards. Married? Expect to be divested of your children, your home and your life’s savings.

When it comes to American women, just say no to any sort of closeness or permanent relationship. When you are ready to give up your 5 girlfriends who don’t even know (and don’t care) what your last name is, marry an Asian chick. This is no guarantee of happiness but marriage and sincere love are at least possible.
Just Say No to Women with Kids
Some things people should know about women with kids. The obvious one is that a woman with a kid (especially if out of wedlock) is a huge warning sign that something is wrong with the woman. She goes out of her way to create bad situations with men and that will include you.

But, not so obvious is the fact that you will be expected to support the kid eventually. That’s the woman’s goal for having a relationship with you in the first place. That is not an appropriate reason. She’s not looking at you as a friend, a lover, a man. She is looking at you as a source of money. But, understand that you are absolutely not welcome to be a father to that child. If you try, she will hurt you and will probably have you hauled off by the police for some made up reason (probably child molestation). Additionally, if you stick around, that child is going to grow up to be criminal scum. First will come the drug use (which you won’t be allowed to stop), then the crime and violence. Some of this will be directed toward the mom (I have direct experience with this wonderful situation) and still, you will not be allowed to intervene.

Lastly, women like this are strongly attracted to men who are criminals or otherwise completely fucked in the head. Her attraction to you is zero. The only reason she is sucking your cock is so you will support her and her child or will in the near future. If she ever understands that you won’t, you are finished. Eventually she will replace you with a criminal type, you being a source of funds or not. She’ll probably want to marry you so that, after the divorce, you will be forced to continue to pay while she fucks her criminal scum.

Let me ask you something. Does this sound like something you would want? Of course not. Don’t believe the bullshit lies that try to make men feel guilty for not wanting women with kids. It’s not that they are an inconvenience (although that is a legitimate reason right there for not dating them). It’s not that men don’t want to be responsible for children in our society (although, this responsibility is NOT yours, it’s hers and her child’s father) It’s that it is an extremely reliable warning sign for extremely bad behavior in the future.

Just say no to women with kids.
A Real Man Wouldn't Shun a Woman with Kids
Any time you hear a term like “real man” you should automatically assume someone is trying to manipulate you. What they are trying to do is convince you that cleaning up the mess they made of their own lives is your responsibility. That you don’t have the right to choose the women and the situation that is best for you. That you are somehow less if you do what you want instead of what they want. The correct response to this is to laugh in their face. Feel free to meet her, seduce her, fuck her and then dump her because she has a kid. Sorry toots, you’re great, but there is just no future in a relationship with you because of all the bad decisions you made in the past……and it’s your responsibility to deal with it, not mine.

Part of Breaking Up is About the Drama; Passive Aggression and the Female Orgasm

Women are neurotic freaks and very insecure. Part of the dumping process, for them, is the drama. They want you to crawl, to try to get them to stay. If you just don’t care, it’s devastating to them. Even worse is if you beat her to the punch and dump her first.

Understand this, if nothing else. They all leave eventually. Either they walk out, or they do something so bad that you had better throw them out. When you get involved with one, you need to keep this in mind. Since it is going to happen anyway, it really is no big deal. Also, you have absolutely no reason to limit yourself to only them. When the time comes, they will present it as one of the several variations of the dramatic breakup. Your response should be: So? Preferably, it should only mean that you spend more time with a girl or two you see on the side while you shop around for a replacement.

It is absolutely right to think that you cannot control the sickness in women. But, I would like to point out that you do not have to let it affect you either. There are certain situations that force you to do so (mostly due to government sticking its nose in where it doesn’t belong) but they can be avoided (ie don’t breed, and don’t get married.)
Love is a Verb
Drama is one of the major techniques for seducing a woman. However, understand that you are dealing with extremely transitory states. Over time, her receptivity to your trying to stimulate strong emotion in her drops (the more she gets to know you, the less you can provoke a fantasy in her….even if it’s not actually a fantasy, but reality). Also, the moment you stop, your relationship vanishes. No matter how cool, rich, powerful, pretty, mysterious, passionate, or sexy you are, the value she places on you drops over time. Once it reaches zero, she is immune to your charms. This is, of course, completely insane. If you stick around too long, you can and will have the wonderful experience of her wandering off from you, after all the energy you expended toward keeping her attracted to you,  to be with a total loser. You could be going out on romantic dates, doing exciting, dangerous things together, followed by hours of mind blowing sex, only to have her leave you for some asshole who only wants to lay on the couch, and hasn’t gotten it up in a decade, because she thinks you are boring. As a matter of fact, she won’t stick around you much longer than if it was you laying around on the couch all day.

Doing stuff like this is great for getting laid. But to maintain a relationship, it just doesn’t work, because the reason relationships fizzle out is solely due to a woman’s choice to not breathe life into it.

Rather than work too hard to make a woman attracted, I prefer to make strong attraction to me the main criteria for letting a woman be a part of my life. The moment her attraction starts to wane, I start looking for a woman who IS attracted to me. Look at it this way, in the beginning (within reason) it is the man’s responsibility to foster attraction in a woman. But very quickly, it becomes the woman’s responsibility to feel attraction (and other emotions like warmth, affection and love). These emotions are actually behaviours she chooses to do. They don’t just happen and they aren’t a response to what you do (you can only just prime the pump), they are something she chooses to DO. And women do them, until they lose interest and wander off. Then it’s like you never existed.

Or, to put it another way, love is a verb.
Passive Aggression Related to the Female Orgasm
When a woman orgasms, it has little to do with what the man is doing to her and mostly to do with what she is doing inside her head.

A woman can easily orgasm with any man she chooses to. If the woman you are with isn't orgasming, it's because she chooses to see you as someone who isn't sexually stimulating, hence the need for “romance”. It is extremely important to understand that (within limits) how sexual you appear toward a woman isn't under your direct control. You can slim down, lift weights and even get cosmetic surgery and she won't be attracted. She will, temporarily, be attracted to a guy who makes himself unavailable. And she definitely will be attracted if you make yourself inappropriate in some way (leather jackets, tattoos, earrings and other bad boy image stuff are favourites).

Part of this is the hilarious situation that often a woman you barely know orgasms like a banshee at the slightest stimulation, and then becomes completely frigid later on in the relationship. Often they will try to mask this as "issues with intimacy". But what is really going on here is she is purposefully shutting down her own sexual impulses because she no longer thinks she needs to please you anymore.

This isn't true with men. A woman who makes herself look in certain stereotypical ways will make herself generically attractive to all men. And a woman who screws you with ardour and skill, will definitely make you orgasm.

The point here is frigidity in women is a big warning sign. It is intentional passive-aggressive behavior that is just a part of the bigger issue of disrespect. If a woman starts having "sexual problems" like this, dump her immediately, for two reasons: The next one won't (i.e., there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you are fucking her) and, the woman you just dumped seems to have no problem orgasming with the biker/meth dealer living next door (even though, he is so drugged out of his mind, he can barely get it up).

Abusive Behaviour (DV, Stalkers, Sarcasm & Shaming Language)

The struggle for dominance is a natural and normal part of human sexuality. There was this very funny joke on Star Trek the Next Generation, where Worf makes a comment that Klingon women like to throw heavy objects (with this introverted, lustful expression). What makes this joke funny is that both men and women in lust, yell, hit each other, throw things around and say nasty things to each other. Passion tends to leap out at odd times into unpredictable behaviour. This is the animal part of us refusing to be caged anymore. People in love fight a lot.

But abuse is something different. It is a weak, evil person attempting to make themselves feel better by inflicting suffering on another. It has sadistic and masochistic qualities. The people who do it will only do it if it is safe to do so. Men who do this tend to get drunk/high and then make up an excuse to beat their wives (substance abuse is a big, BIG part of abuse). Women tend to engage in protracted campaigns to get their partner to abuse them. The most common form of this is to be as disrespectful of the man as possible, especially in public. Physical abuse of the man is also very common. They keep it up until the man hits them. Then, they try to condition the man to hit them on a regular basis. Most importantly, they actively select only men that will beat them. They are very good at this. If they accidentally choose a man who won't ever beat them, they will make his life miserable and then abandon him.

The best, most effective way to handle abuse, for both men and women, is to nip it in the bud. Absolutely refuse to even give the time of day to anyone who even gives you the slightest possible suspicion they are abusive. At even the slightest hint of abuse, break things off immediately and refuse to ever talk to that person exceptions. This is important because abusers will test the waters with you by seeing if you will take them back. Make sure they find out that you won't.

This doesn't mean you break up immediately with someone just because you had a fight though. You will fight bitterly all the time with anyone you have passion with. It's the sadistic and masochistic qualities you are looking out for. Drug/alcohol use is a big red flag, as is any sort of criminal past. Especially look for any sort of past abusive relationships. Women that have been beaten by partners and/or raped, are big no-no's. It's extremely un-PC to say so, but most women who have been raped by someone they know went out of their way to be with a high-risk man. Again, drugs and alcohol are a big factor. You definitely don't want a woman like that. She will torture you incessantly for not being a rapist scumbag yourself.

It should go without saying that women who engage in child abuse/neglect deserve to be pariahs....accommodate them. They are completely unsuitable for even the most casual sexual fling.

Any woman that is any way involved with the sex for money industry (stripping, porn, prostitution, and politics) has 90% of her screws loose. This industry is all about letting someone beat them in exchange for cocaine, meth and other speedy drugs. Run very fast in the opposite direction.

Warning......the cycle of abuse tends to make both partners obsessed with each other. Obsession is caused by all situations where pain and pleasure are randomly doled out (just look at gambling, lol). If you fail to nip these relationships in the bud, don't be surprised if you discover you can't later give them up, no matter how bad it gets. Also, don't be surprised if your partner leaps out at you with a butcher knife from the bushes some dark night. Having evil people obsessed with you is a very bad thing..
Domestic Violence Myths = Cold War
Most discussions on domestic violence ignore the truth surrounding it. There are dangerous double standards and myths involved in the whole industry. The myth is that women are victims of domestic violence. The truth is that most calls to the police about domestic violence are women using the system to harm their husbands and children. Rarely are such calls used to protect themselves from actual domestic violence. The truth also is that women engage in domestic violence in both equal amounts and equal severity. The double standard means men rarely call police about it. It also means children are often left at risk from it.

To put it bluntly, the whole system is a huge lie. It rarely involves itself in real domestic violence between men, women and children. Instead, it is the opening gambit when a woman seeks to destroy her family, usually through divorce.  It's no accident that the system is set up this way. Powerful, evil people set it up that way on purpose.  If you pay attention to this and other issues, you start to see a disturbing pattern of intentional manipulation of our institutions and social norms. It's as if a "cold war" was being waged on the US, trying to tear it down from within.

Why, is an interesting question. It's largely unanswerable at this time. (Edit - it's Cultural Marxism). However, who, can often be answered (big example: Hillary Clinton). These people need to be disempowered at every turn. It means becoming aware of them and voting against them. It means boycotting those people, companies and other groups you see participating in this in various ways. Realistically, it means avoiding marriage and children like the plague, for the time being.
Two Things Men Need to Know About Domestic Violence
There are two things that all men need to know about domestic violence that very few men actually know. The first is that women usually initiate domestic violence. Sure, there are a handful of wacko men who like to beat women and women flock to these men so they have no lack of victims. But, for the most part women will engage in specific behaviours (including but not limited to hitting the man) to try and initiate a physically abusive relationship. Most of these behaviours involve shame and humiliation of some sort. The second thing men need to know is that violence against women is the normal, instinctual defence mechanism to prevent insane behavior on the part of women, from threatening survival. Quite literally, the woman is ripping apart the relationship and violence is the last ditch effort to prevent that from happening. It should be rare, but it’s not.

The solution is the same for both cases and involves self-awareness, clarity and the willingness to act. That solution is to immediately and permanently get rid of the woman with no chance of her coming back into your life. If a woman ever hits you or ever does anything shameful or humiliating to you, just dump her, with no explanation and no further contact. If she shows up at your place (and she will), call the cops against her. Refuse to talk to her and refuse any contact with her. She will try to sneak in and suck your dick (I’m not being facetious here) to make things all better until the next time. And she will try to initiate contact for purposes of revenge. Don’t allow either. Your relationship is always, always, always time limited. When this shit starts to happen it means that timer ran out some time ago. You have no recourse and there is no point in further contact with her, let alone trying to make anything work or trying to fix anything.

This is one of the most important reasons to not allow a woman to live with you. It is almost impossible to get rid of a woman before she causes you significant harm, if she is living with you. If she isn’t living with you, all you need to do is change the locks. If, for some reason, you allowed a woman to fool you into living with her, the solution is to leave without warning and with no forwarding address. Get a U-haul, wait until she is not home, load all your stuff up and drive off, even if its just to the YMCA you are driving to and you have to place your crap in storage. Talk to a lawyer and explain the situation with the lease. Have him contact the landlord and make arrangements to deal with this with absolutely no contact info of yours being given out. If you own property together, you will probably have to abandon it to her (might as well, as the court will just give it to her anyway)….although a lawyer could help that situation also. The goal here is to leave quickly, permanently, without explanation and without your abusive partner being able to ever have contact with you again. Often, men who don’t do this, will have something bad happen to them. They will be accused and convicted (really the same thing) of some crime, or some criminal will try to murder them (happened to a friend of mine). And, it will happen to you so don’t kid yourself. If you are REALLY unlucky, some criminal will try to murder you and you will fight back, killing him. Then, you will spend the rest of your life being gang raped by his friends in prison.
Abuse is a Game You Can't Win
Abuse is a game you can’t win. As a matter of fact, the main purpose of abuse is to get you to abuse her. Once a relationship has devolved into abuse it becomes very unstable and feeds off the abuse. This often involves slow but steady escalation. The only way to handle this is to terminate the relationship, quickly and permanently. Having other options (ie other women) is an excellent technique to absolutely prevent abuse. Women whine incessantly that men are abusers but that’s a lie. The truth is that, mysteriously, abuse is completely absent when a man reserves options (forbids monogamy and living together). Quite literally, physical and verbal abuse is a cycle that women start, women maintain, and women escalate. Making it clear that the relationship is over at the very FIRST sign of this, is 100% effective in preventing all abuse. Don’t ever put up with the slightest bad behavior. You don’t have to play that game. Doing so makes you a loser.
You know, I’ve never met a man before who exhibits the behavior of a stalker. But I have met several women who have. I’ve even been stalked by a woman for a period of years. She would call up, sometimes say perverted things and hang up but later, just call and say nothing for awhile and then hang up. I’d move have an unlisted phone number and peace for a few weeks, and then she’d find out somehow and start up again. I had made the mistake of dating this woman when I was a freshman in college. I decided she was a deranged wacko and broke it off. Her response was to try and run me down with her car (hehe, she missed). After about 4 years of the calls, she lost interest.

A female “friend” of mine got involved with a married, soon-to-be-divorced man (yeah right). When he inevitably decided to return to his wife and child, she started to stalk him…..showing up at his work, following him around, and calling his house all the time. Stupidly, this guy fucked her again. Just after he came, while he was still lying in bed, she called his wife on the phone and yelled at her, “Guess what, I just fucked your husband.” And she doesn’t understand why I don’t want to know her anymore.

Like many things, stalking is something something most women do and only a handful of men do.
Sarcasm has two meanings when a woman uses it. When she says she is sarcastic, what she means is she will be mean to you, try to cut you down and make you feel bad with humour that belittles you. But when she says she is looking for a lover who is sarcastic, what she means is she wants a guy who engages in light hearted teasing with sexual undertones (think little boys chasing little girls around the playground to tug on their hair), often busting her balls, challenging her about her beliefs etc. in a way that is best defined as cocky. In family type relationships, older siblings often do this to younger siblings as a normal way of fostering bonding and closeness. It’s natural and normal for a woman to want that from her man. It’s neither natural nor normal for a woman to want to be what she is calling “sarcastic”. Don’t fall for the double-speak. When used to describe a man, it means affectionate. When used to describe a woman, it means abusive. Very rarely, you will run into a woman who is “sarcastic” like she wants from a man. She is trying to prime the pump to get you to act the same way, and she never calls herself sarcastic. It is very easy to tell the difference. It has a benevolent quality, rather than a malevolent one (this also goes for weeding out the rare abusive man, BTW).
Shaming Language
One liners like "get a life" are attempts at manipulation. Women use them constantly. What they mean by "life" is whatever behaviours, attitudes and way of living (in this case, as a servile worm) they want. The implied message is that whatever you are doing instead of this is weak, wrong, bad, unworthy and worthless. If they actually came right out and said what everyone already knows they mean......"Stop behaving independently and demanding better treatment and certainly don't make me compete against better women, because that's wrong to do and it somehow makes you a weak and worthless person".....they might get a little bit of resistance.

So, instead, they say it in a manipulative manner. The real message is in what's implied and the knee-jerk emotional response they are trying to evoke. Like all manipulations, it relies on you being fooled by it. 90% of all women's power is based on similar illusions. If men ever wised up, en masse.....they'd be in for some serious trouble.
You Must Be a Loser!
(Re.: A Female Response to an Online Dating Profile)

Note the assumption that since she doesn’t find your profile attractive, you must be a loser. "Loser" being a highly emotionally charged yet undefined term. In other words, you couldn’t ask, "Well, what could I do to not be a loser?" and get a legitimate answer. On a related topic, you couldn’t ask her what would make you a winner. You couldn’t change what you do in any way that would make her want you.

The sole purpose of her response is to blame you for a problem she has. You will actually see this pattern repeated over and over again. She does something wrong (which in this case she did…..she started to immediately criticize you over the slightest slip of the tongue). The normal response is to go, "Ummm, sorry. You’re an asshole. Bye." But, when you try to explain why, she acts like you are being incredibly insulting. Actually, her attitude is, "How dare you protest even the slightest bit about her heaping abuse on you!" To say that the correct response is to immediately break off contact with no explanation at all is putting it mildly. This person is sitting around wondering why all her interactions with men end with them either rejecting her or using her and then dumping her. This pattern is why.

And it's why she doesn’t deserve any better.
Immature or Evil?
I think it's dangerous to chock women’s extremely fucked up behaviour to capriciousness, childishness and immaturity. These are innocent qualities you attribute to children that often make them endearing. You tolerate them. The crap that women do is much more akin to what criminals do......a repeated pattern of victimization with testing before hand to see if it is safe. If you tolerate criminals, they see it as a green light....same with women. Children, on the other hand, with very rare exceptions, are intrinsically good. They need guidance, not suppression of evil instincts and behaviour. Children grow up healthy and wealthy and wise, with proper guidance. American women are completely unaffected by guidance.
To put it another way, American women are not walking astray. They are engaged in intentionally evil acts with full awareness of what they are doing. If it was the former, you would simply shepherd them to another, better way. Since it's the latter, your behaviour must be designed to severely limit your potential as a victim.
Click for "Woman: The Most Responsible Teenager in the House?"
Are Women Children or Adults?
The logical conclusion that women are just children in adult bodies is that they need to be shielded from the consequences of their actions, just like children. That is perhaps the single most damaging assumption that has resulted in our current unfair and draconian system of legal, social and employment double standards. Women are not children in adult bodies. They are adults with all the responsibilities that implies. When one shirks his or her responsibilities there are consequences. It is both inappropriate and the source of all our problems with women for us to make up for their bad behavior, both as individuals and as a society.

Also, what do you do with unruly children after you have shielded them from the consequences of their actions? You punish them, so they won’t do it again later on. Punishing a woman for her own good is a one way ticket to prison. Again, women are adults, not children. You don’t punish them. Instead, you force them to accept the natural consequences of their own behavior. Eventually, men will figure this out and we will have a new system that decides how society reacts to an individual based on merit, not on gender. 

Women Choosing Losers

All women say they want a dominant, successful, high status man with enlightened values. It is extremely easy to identify where a man is in the pecking order; by his job, by his dress, by the way he talks and acts and by the way other men treat him. Everyone knows where a man stands.

This includes women, who could easily snap up a man like this who freely advertises if he is available or not.

The problem is that almost no women actually follow through with this behavior. Dominant, successful, high status men with enlightened values are regularly passed up for dangerous, weak, emotionally unstable drug dealers with bad BO and a rap sheet as long as my arm. The younger and more attractive a woman is, the more likely she is to ignore the good men and screw as many of the bad men as she can get her hands on. Not all women do this. Some screw as many fraternity brothers as they can handle a night, just as long as they are drunk/high and treat her like dirt. Any man who doesn't act this way is labelled a loser, no matter how high status or macho. It's hilarious, and deeply, deeply sick.

Then, when a woman reaches about age 25, she starts to hunt for a man who is both wealthy and weak willed. Both qualities are very important, because her sole purpose for hunting this man is to attach herself vampire-like onto him and drain him for all he is worth. They continue to screw bad men during the entire marriage. Strong willed men quickly say no to this crapola and move on to the next woman. After a while, they start to wonder if all women are vampires trying to trick them into a bad situation. Certainly they don't meet anyone who actually cares for him and sincerely wants to be his wife.

Many of our country's most powerful men are either unmarried, taken to the cleaners by divorce, or are stuck in a marriage that is an obvious lie, often making up for it with dishonourable behaviour. A perfect example of this is Bill Clinton. His wife is an obvious lesbian who only married him because he was going places and could further her own political ambitions (the pay off isn't always in money, lol).

I'm tempted to say that American women are unable to recognize signs of status, power and high quality in men. But it's not true. They know full well what the deal is and purposefully choose the weak, psychotic, scum of the earth until they want a meal ticket.

Real men are left without.
Click for Free Online Book -- by Jack Kammer (2002)
Women Choosing Extinction
I just downloaded the book, If Men Have All The Power, How Come Women Make The Rules? Excellent book, BTW. It's filled with all sorts of interesting information.

Here's a quote that got me to thinking (originally from The Woman That Never Evolved, by Sarah Blaffer Hardy):

"The central organizing principle of primate social life is competition between females and especially female lineages... Females should be, if anything, more competitive than males, not less, although the manner in which females compete may be less direct, less boisterous, and hence, more difficult to measure"
Normally, women compete fiercely amongst each other for men. Unlike animals, human children take a looooooong time to mature and our most powerful survival ability (our mind) takes significant effort to train and develop. Before the modern era, any woman stupid enough to take a weak, deviant man, who left after sex... died. At the very least, her child had slim to none survival value. Her lineage died out. Normally, women compete for the best men, that competition being intense when they are scarce. One thing they don't do is willingly have sex with an inappropriate man, unless there absolutely isn't anyone else. Men also compete for the best women. Or rather, for the status among our peers that attracts the best women. However, since we don't actually have to bear the children, that competition isn't as fierce. Survival of our line has less to do with who we choose and more to do with what we do. We (men) compete in who does things best. Women compete in who can get the best man. Men have the option of leaving. A woman who left usually died. That's the way it's always been and the way it should be.
But American women aren't normal. They have absolutely stopped competing for good men. They go out of their way to devalue them. They freely engage in behaviours that result in the extinction of their lineage. They leave. They refuse to raise their children. They engage in infidelity. They choose disposable partners based on deviant behavior. The reason why women seem to be so scarce is not because they have made themselves unavailable but because they have ceased having any interest whatsoever in extending their female lineage to the next generation. There is a natural consequence for that... extinction. The children of these women grow up powerless and feral, with increasingly lower status. Eventually, their lines will disappear.

The question we should be asking ourselves is, are we a valuable prize that would normally be fiercely competed over? If you are healthy, strong, successful, educated and have values that would promote the well being of a family, then that answer is yes. We have been lied to, repeatedly and in a systematic manner. What is interesting is what might happen if you left our abnormal women and went someplace where the women are desperately competing with eachother for the best men. Especially if most of the men who live there don't have these traits. You might come away with a different opinion of where you are in the pecking order.

Food for thought.
Women Choosing Scumbags
There are two reasons women go after scum... the one they tell themselves and the one that's true.

The one they tell themselves has to do with the archetype of redemption. Love redeems all things. To a woman, love redeeming a bad man proves the love is real (too bad their love ain't real, lol). Also, a man who treats everyone poorly but herself, must really love her. This is the biggest crock of bull-ony... but exploiting this sick, sad, self-deception will account for 90% of your free pussy if you live in the US.

Unfortunately, the real reason women dig bad/low quality men is they are bad/low quality themselves. These men have attitudes and behaviours that match their own.

Excitement is supposed to come from risk-taking behaviours that men like to engage in to have fun. But women find bad behavior exciting instead. It's normal for women to be attracted to men that like sky-diving, mountain climbing, and going off on adventures at the spur of the moment. It's abnormal for women to be attracted to men that like to beat women, have been in jail, and take drugs. But that's exactly what's going on today. All of the losers have all the women they can deal with (hehe, but evil people are bad for you....both ways), while all of the real men do without.
Women Who Marry Scumbags
With rare exceptions, a woman who marries a scumbag does it because she’s nuts. So even if the divorce is his fault, it means she is bad news. An example: I dated a woman a few times who had only been with one guy before. They had known each-other since they were kids. They fell in love in high school, then lived together while going to college (she supported him, actually). About a year after he graduated he started smoking crack cocaine with a (supposedly) dramatic change in his personality. They were Catholic and she did not want to divorce him. But one day he came home and dinner wasn’t ready so he picked up a hammer out of the toolbox and bashed her head in with it. She was in a coma for 3 days and filed for divorce afterward (no kids). 

Even though it sounds like she couldn’t be responsible for this having to do with her, I later find out WHY he had been doing crack. It turns out that both are 3rd generation members of the mafia. He primarily made his money selling drugs and started using. Note that this woman is a doctor now. This is a disturbing example because it illustrates two things. The first is that women from traditionally reputable situations (professionals etc.) can EASILY actually be from the criminal underclass. The other is that, almost without exception, a woman who has to bail on a marriage with a dangerous man will have serious skeletons in her closet that clearly demonstrate how her own character is responsible for her being with such a man (it ain’t no accident). Unfortunately, you often have to do quite a bit of digging to discover this and are usually deeply involved with her before you do. I think it is easier (and more reliable) to simply assume such things.

Children out of wedlock, divorces (particularly multiple divorces), children of mixed parentage (unless they are married and successful), ex-spouse in jail, ex-spouse is a criminal, violent, has ever used drugs of any type. These are all extremely reliable indicators that you don’t want to have your life entangled with this woman.
Women Love Assholes
Women find the quality of being an asshole to be very attractive and throw themselves at a guy like that... doubly so if the guy is a dangerous asshole. Outside of this country, things are different. Assholeness is unattractive.

This is part of the problem with American men. We've come to accept the twisted attitudes of American women and internalize them. Attractive men are going around thinking they are losers, while sick, unattractive men with bad BO are going around thinking they are God's gift to women.

But what's really going on here is like attracts like. Most women in the US have become the female version of the sick, unattractive man with bad BO. Unlike men who tend to be one way and stay that way for all of their lives, women change dramatically and quickly, depending on how good they are. When they are 16, they are hotter than hell. At 23, she's still cute. Cresting 30, she looks like hell. And by 35, she's dog ugly and hanging out at K-Mart. This doesn't happen with normal women. It doesn't even happen all the time with abnormal women with very good genes (look at Pamela Anderson), on the outside. It always happens on the inside. That woman who you totally fell in love with at 21, who screwed you over at 23, you wouldn't even recognize today. Her personality is nothing like it was back then (if it ever was, but that's a different story). The important thing to understand is, it has nothing to do with you. Because it has nothing to do with you, there is nothing you can do about it.

This is probably the biggest reason why women seem so scarce in our culture, even though they outnumber us. A woman has a shelf-life of age 15 to 35, maximum. She's really only available between the ages of 20 and 29. After that, her unacceptableness becomes much more obvious. If they didn't want money from us, they wouldn't even bother to go shopping around for a meal ticket at that age. They wouldn't even pretend to be part of our social groups.
Women Going for Evil Losers
...Women don’t go for the Olympic gymnast who dresses like a model….no, no, no. That would make sense. They go after the guy who looks like he might be a loser. Specifically, they go after the guy who looks like he might be an EVIL loser. Although a significant number go after the over-weight janitor of the local high school, most want the over-weight drug dealer with rotting teeth. The whole thing is sick.

Imagine, if you will, men ignoring Pamela Anderson or the girls from the Victoria Secret catalogue…..indeed, treating them like pathetic losers. All the while, chasing after crack addicts, combat boot wearing lesbians, and other women with bad BO and a bullet hole or two. And then, after reaching age 60 or so, doing Pamela Anderson a favour by going out on a date with her, but only because you know she has money. That’s the situation we have with American women in this country with regard to men here. Something is wrong with THEM.
Evil, Not Power, Is Why Women are Attracted to Deviant Men
Women aren’t attracted to alpha males and they most certainly have no fear of men. Our society, on every level, goes out of its way to protect them. For most men, harming a woman is taboo.

What a woman wants from a man isn’t for him to be powerful. If this was true than large, strong, rich men with high IQs would be overrun with pussy. Sadly, this isn’t the case. At best, a woman looks for a man like this who is easily manipulated (a rare find) so that she can feed off him during the last stages of her self-destruction. But what women go after with zeal and verve are the losers of our society…..uneducated, drug-using, criminal scum. Are these men powerful? Absolutely not. That’s why they stab you in the back but wouldn’t dare face you man to man. It’s also why they are complete failures in life…..they are weak beyond belief. But, other than being weak these bozos have one thing in common…..they are all evil. And it is that evil that attracts women.

Evil, not power, is the defining attribute of women’s attraction toward deviant men.
Why Women Are Attracted to Bad Men & Thugs
What I’m talking about is how a bad person ASSUMES other people (actually ALL people) are bad without seeing their behavior. They rationalize exploiting them, harming them etc. because they know they deserve it anyway. Either that or they reverse the meaning of right and wrong. As in, it’s a good thing to harm others if you can get away with it. It means you are strong and they are weak. This is at the core of why women are attracted to bad men (criminals, drug-users etc.) They see their doing bad things as evidence of them being powerful. They do those things because they can. This is probably the most dangerous lie involved in this situation. Bad people do bad things out of weakness, not strength. Women, being weak themselves, have no experience with this. Plus, they are self-deluded. They want to think of themselves as strong so they alter their perception to see being a bad person (ie, seeing someone who is just like them) as being strong, not weak. So, they look like someone who is exactly like themselves, only more so.
Women and Racism
In my experience, racism plays a big part of what's going on with American women. Several times I have met women whose attraction to men is race based... the more negatively stereotyped, the better. Behind their back, they use racial slurs, even when talking about their partner. You talk to them and it becomes clear that they have strong racist views, usually negative. They are chasing bad men and the racist views colors these men as bad. So, they go after them. It's a complicated issue, and one that women will test you on to see if you will accept it from them.

For example, there was one stripper I knew. For awhile, she was sizing me up as a potential man. One day, out of the blue, she says this to me, "I've been with a lot of black boys." "Do you think less of me?" My answer to her at the time was, "Of course not."

But that was the wrong answer. My answer should have been yes. There are several reasons. First of all, she is testing me, not looking for reassurance of her worth. She wants to see if I will accept her in a devalued state. If the answer to that is yes, she loses interest (she did lol) and, at the same time, goes hog wild in the process of devaluing herself further. On the surface, she wants to know if I'm racist. But what she is really saying is she is racist, and a whore to boot. What's behind her statement is several years of screwing black men, but only from the criminal class of society. She did this in exchange for money and drugs. Certainly she would have no interest in a black man in a 3-piece suit and a law degree. Part of the manipulation has to do with what she means by "black boys." She means black men from the criminal class of society. But, phrasing it this way is a trap. If you say it devalues her, it seems like something racist (being with black guys devalues you) but, it's the having sex with men from the criminal class that devalues her. If you say no to this sort of behavior, it implies that you are racist. You'll see a lot of manipulation along these lines in society, especially with women. They want you to accept deviant behavior by associating it to minorities. Reject the behavior and they act as if you rejected the minority.

You will see this pattern repeatedly with American women... multiple minority partners, sometimes multiple children of mixed racial background. The big lie is that inter-racial couples are now accepted, so people feel free to get together with those they like. But the truth is that racism and fucked-upness are behind most of these relationships (white men with black women; seem to me to be the exception). Look for extreme racist views in one or both of the partners (should be the LAST thing in an inter-racial couple), a history of trading sex for money and drugs, and multiple one night stands, often resulting in children. Like any good lie, there is always a grain of truth in the center to give it credibility. There are lots of legitimate inter-racial marriages. You can tell the legitimate ones by their stability, high degree of education of both partners, and successful career the man has.

Racist views of women are a part of what's going on.
Women Pairing Up with Black Men is Almost Always Based on Racism
To be blunt, white women pairing up with black men is almost always based on racism. You see this very clearly in specifically who those black men are. Rich, successful, educated black men have the fewest choices on earth, unfortunately. Black women of the same status are RARE and their access to white men isn’t very great (they don’t want them). Contrast that with black men from the criminal class which have ample numbers of black women of their same status around (sad, but true) and, more importantly, have great access to white women of ALL social status. These women view these men as scum and get involved with them as part of their own downward, self-destructive death spiral.
Contrast what is going on with Asian women and white men. Do you see large numbers of white men from the criminal class hooking up with Asian girls? No. What you see is large numbers of successful, educated white men seeking out Asian girls for the same reasons we do. They are trying to find a woman of quality. Most would prefer a woman from their own culture, just out of ease of access. But finding the well poisoned, they have no choice but to look elsewhere. That elsewhere happens to include various asian cultures, to a large extent. A few guys have an Asian fetish. But most just want a good woman…..and are willing to honor that opportunity by being a good man.

This isn’t a zero sum game, folks. The numbers we are talking about in all situations is quite small. Certainly, the number of white women with black guys does not appreciably lower the access of the average white guy to white women, at all. I can’t really comment about black women’s access to black men or Asian men’s access to Asian women, but it is probably not at all. What limits white men’s access to white women is the pathetically low quality of those women…..making high quality white women extremely rare. Black women (and black men, lol) have this same problem which is a separate issue that, quite frankly, the black community seems to have little interest in addressing. Asian men don’t have that problem and any asian man that is having trouble finding an Asian girl should probably ask himself why they are avoiding him….and fix it. Because, it’s not the white skin the Asian girls want. It’s the way those men treat her.

I’ll go even further than that. I’ve known women like this (even lived with one for a decade). When they aren’t in earshot of black people, they call them niggers. It’s strong, blatant racism. They actually hate minorities (almost as much as they hate themselves). And the only reason they are with a black man is they are looking for a man who is low life scum. They consider any man who is a minority to be low life scum. The more they fit the sterotype, the better. In other words, it’s not the black lawyer they think is attractive; it’s the black gang member.

This is a lot different than fetishism. Fetishism is only a perversion that gets in the way of forming a real attachment to your partner. This is something far more sinister..
Women Have No Standards
The problem with women is they really don't have standards. They say they have standards but they are mostly bullshit. The day after she randomly rejects you (claiming not measuring up to her standard), you will see her with some loser that meets nobody's standards.

Women and men both should have standards. For a woman, the man should be reasonably fit (ie not 100 pounds overweight), the same height as her, the same education and socio-economic standing, should not have bad habits (drugs, alcohol, smoking, criminal record etc.) should have a job (within reason, type and income are irrelevant), should have his own living space (ie not living in his parents basement or at a PADS shelter), but most important of all, he should be of good character. I have yet to meet a woman who actively seeks out men who meet these reasonable standards. However, I meet pleeeenty of women who have taken men from the trashcan of society. I would like to point out, that a woman without real standards (as opposed to simple lip service to the idea to cover for her fucked-upness) is of low quality.

Personally, I have very high standards with women. I'll fuck a woman who isn't up to snuff, but the amount of time I let her hang around is directly related to how well she meets my standards. Most of my standards are related to character. Most people's should be.
Women With Past Abusive Partners
One thing this woman will never do is respect a man that doesn’t use violence against her. She’ll repeatedly seek out sick, dangerous men. Because she is sick herself, she won’t see them as sick (actually weak) and dangerous. She’ll see them as sexy and desirable. One day, she will “settle” for some guy who isn’t like this. She will treat him as disrespectful as possible. She’ll also engage in an escalating campaign to get him to abuse her and to self-destruct her entire life. Eventually, she’ll leave. One thing is certain, she will blame everything on men (mostly on the men who aren’t violent, because they are safe to hate) and will steadfastly refuse to do even the most basic behaviours necessary to get a good man and maintain a relationship with him.

No one can do a damn thing to help her. When a woman tells you about dangerously psychotic behaviours from previous men in her life, run the other way as fast as you can. They are emotionally unstable…..and like it.
Sexist! Offensive!
The whole PC, feminist nonsense is only a half truth, as far as they are concerned. When a good (read, safe) man does anything even the slightest bit non-grovelling, it’s sexist and offensive. But if a man who treats them like dirt does it, it’s sexy.

The same woman who is highly offended because some 100K a year educated professional glances at her ankle, will happily spread her legs for homeless guy with missing teeth who tells her she is a ‘ho.

And we wonder why young men are dressing with their pants down around their ankles, going yo’ yo’ yo’ all the time, emulating this crap. They do it because being a normal person doesn’t work.

Women are supposed to go after dominant men. Men who take what they want and pay for it…..intelligent, successful, and charismatic. But, they treat these guys like losers. Instead, they go after DEVIANT men…..rude, ignorant, weak, bad habits, but most of all…..treats them without a single ounce of respect. In other words, someone who reinforces the way they see themselves and is a match for how they REALLY are.
- It was Eve who seduced the man - in compensation there is no undertaking more appealing to a woman than to become loved by someone who has gone astray and who now, in loving her, will let himself be led along the right path.  This appeals to a woman so much that she is not infrequently deceived, because such a person puts everything over on her - and she believes everything - perhaps also because the thought of being the man's savior is so very satisfying to her. -- Man/Woman, Kierkegaard's Journals