Let me answer that. No, it's not true. Women would like you to believe it is true. But it's not. There is a grain of truth to this in that men highly value women in their reproductive prime. Also, highly deviant males sometimes act this way. But it is a far cry from the norm. Although there is a grain of truth to the sentiment, the statement is false. It's actually patently ridiculous.
It assumes that women can get sex any time they want, but don’t want it as much as men. Both of these are not true. You only have to look at the amount of time almost every woman spends desperately trying to attract a man to know it's not true. If it were true, women would just show up. They don't do that. They spend hours and hours finding the right outfit, making sure her makeup and hair is perfect, not to mention a thousand other things, carefully intended to attract men.
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Click Pic for "Male and Female: Equal but Different" |
Understand that when women are playing this game they are trying to fool you about something. They want you to be misinformed about your worth and options relative to hers, not only as an individual but men as a group. They do this for two reasons. They want to get someone much better than they normally should be able to (but are far too lazy and fucked up to, ummm, make themselves better). And they want you to accept behavior from them that you never would, if you knew you had options.
Don't be fooled by this. Laugh in the face of any fruitloop who thinks she can act bitchy toward you.
Plenty of fish in the sea.
Women Want Sex More Than Men

An example. I had a woman friend that became more and more insane as she got older, eventually resulting in my expelling her from my life. Before that, I noticed that about once a month, she would pick up a couple of random guys at a bar (strong hormonal component). She was quite fond of telling me all about these wild sexual escapades. But I also knew her through several "relationships". They all followed the same pattern. The more intimate and close she became with a man (especially if he moved in with her), the more she lost sexual interest... to the point of becoming frigid. But she would still go out and pick up random guys on the sly. At one point I told her how I would never put up with that from a woman. To which she quipped, "Well, what the hell would you do about it?" Without skipping a beat I said I'd dump her skank ass.

The high desire for sex is something I've observed over and over again with women. There are two things going on here. The first is that women are going out of their way to paint the picture that men want sex while women need to be convinced grudgingly give in to sex (plus baby, if not with me, you ain't gettin' anywhere else, because most women don't want it either). These are lies, specifically designed to inappropriately get the upper hand in relationships. The other thing going on is women are sick. They want sex lots more than men but are sexually dysfunctional. They have bizarre things like intense anxiety if they feel sexual attraction for the wrong (wrong being some weird random thing) man. They get angry if the "wrong" man approaches them because they feel guilty about that attraction and even more guilty about randomly fucking one of them on a regular basis (a situation they have little to no control over). Some are so anxiety ridden that they rarely have a man in their life and when they do, the conflicts and weirdness quickly drive him away.
This is why you have fundamentalist Christian babes who think sex out of marriage is amoral, but who regularly have some random guy strap them to an A-frame and whip the fuck out of them. A lot of similar stuff is going on in our society.
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"He said he didn't think we were a good 'fit'." |
Plenty of fish in the sea.
"Women's Desire is an Underestimated and Constrained Force" .
Rats! (Or, He Chases Her Until She Catches Him)
Women More Promiscuous at Sex than Men