If men really were as misogynist as women claim, none of this would have ever happened. We would've just put them over our knee and given them a righteous paddling until we got our damn sammiches made exactly like we wanted 'em.
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Click for "The Wife of Noble Character" |

"Where my exposition is anti-feminine, and that is nearly everywhere, men themselves will
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Click for "The Suffragettes vs The Patriarchy" |
I need not say that I am prepared for the answer women will have to the judgment I have passed on their sex. My investigation, indeed, turns against man in the end, and although in a deeper sense than the advocates of women's rights could anticipate, assigns to man the heaviest and most real blame. ..."
-- Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, Author's Preface
Men have blinders on when it comes to women in much the same way mothers have
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Click Pic for "A Guide to Birdwatching" |
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Click Pic for "Woman: The Most Responsible Teenager in the House?" |
"They are the sexus sequior, the second sex in every respect, therefore their weaknesses should be spared, but to treat women with extreme reverence is ridiculous, and lowers us in their own eyes. When nature divided the human race into two parts, she did not cut it exactly through the middle! The difference between the positive and negative poles, according to polarity, is not merely qualitative but also quantitative. And it was in this light that the ancients and people of the East regarded woman; they recognised her true position better than we, with our old French ideas of gallantry and absurd veneration, that highest product of Christian-Teutonic stupidity. These ideas have only served to make them arrogant and imperious, to such an extent as to remind one at times of the holy apes in Benares, who, in the consciousness of their holiness and inviolability, think they can do anything and everything they please." -- Arthur Schopenhauer, On Women, 1851
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Click Pic for "The Suffragettes versus The Truth" |
There's no need to "child-splain" it over and over and there's no need to seek the child's approval. The hierarchy of the position is all the justification that is needed. You can decide for yourself if women are the most responsible teenagers in the house or if they are the "first mate" to the husband's "captain." The captain doesn't mansplain to the first mate trying to convince her to go along either. The captain plays his position and the first mate plays hers - but they are not equals, and neither is the responsibility.
“I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” -- 1 Timothy 2:12-14
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Click Pic for "The Garden of Eden, Empty Vessels and Relative Truth" |
"Because you listened to your wife, and ate of the tree about which I commanded you..." (Adam's Curse)
Women aren’t gonna stop eating our lunch because it's “the right thing to do.” They are only gonna stop when we stop them from doing it.
For all those who understand “game,” you certainly must realize that aloof indifference does not stop women – it makes them try to be noticed harder. If you ignore them, they will escalate until you do pay attention to them.
And, practitioners of game also should know the rule of “It’s my way or the highway, Toots!” and that any man who doesn’t want to be ruined by woman has to learn to say no without bothering to explain, and say it often... no… No… NO… NO!!!
Merely because I said so.
Just because I want it that way.
Tough. There’s the door.
Well, this is merely game on a cultural level. Women really are powerless without us. Everything that permits the “you go grrl” culture is provided to women by the indulgence of men. If men left the building, women’s vote couldn’t enforce a single thing – because their vote and their rights are not based upon “the barrel of a gun,” but rather upon indirect social manipulation of the people holding the gun.
If men leave the building, women will follow.
When Doing Nothing is Actually Doing Something

She also skipped out on the payments for their escape vehicle, for which her grandfather had co-signed the loan, forcing him to take over the payments.
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Click Pic for "Home Economics" by F. Roger Devlin |
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"Work With the World; Don't Fight Against It" |

The whole extended family agreed to "do nothing." And in doing so, they very much did "do something," didn't they?
The same strategy can be applied to Western women. As The Eternal Bachelor (used to) have on the top of his blog, "Giving Women the Husbands They Deserve: None!"
”…there is no equity between the sexes. They are indispensable one to another, but one is the leader and the other led. The ram is the master of the ewe; the reverse would be an aberration and monstrosity. The pride of the American women will bring about a reaction; for whatever these ladies are they owe to man. If the latter wearies of his generosity and leaves them to their own merits, the expiatory plunge will oblige them to measure the immensity of their ingratitude.
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Click Pic for "The Fish and the Bicycle." |
The illusion consists in this: superiority constitutes a moral duty on the part of the superior towards the inferior, but inferiority does not constitute any legal right on the part of the inferior over the superior. Generosity is beautiful and noble, but it is optional; the cripple who demands that he should be carried dispels one's desire to aid him. Man enjoys protecting woman, but when woman imperatively summons him to serve and protect her, he whom an entreaty would have softened loses his inclination at once.
By substituting the legal sphere for the moral sphere, the emancipation of women will desiccate society, as legal charity destroys real charity, as love by command would sterilise the marriage-bed. -- In asking more than civil equality and economic equality, women are playing a dangerous game. Equality in services will be demanded of them, and this will serve them right.” -- The Intimate Journal of Henri Amiel, August 8, 1876
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Click Pic for "Social Strategy: Why Men Shouldn't Argue with Women" |
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"Where have all the REAL men gone?" |
As much as women like to say that men don’t leave them alone, if the men said “fine, see ya” and actually left, the women would follow us to the ends of the earth.
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Click for "Living in La-La-Land" |
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Click Pic for "The Family Plot: The Future (Civil Unions and Shared Parenting)" |
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Click Pic for "Following the Masculine Principle is the 'Right Way'" |
It’s such a joke for women to come around and try to con us into believing how much we want and need them.They find guys who are busy with other things and completely ignoring them, and try to intrude and take over. This is the entire history of “feminine-ism.”