The bottom line is this: Men don't actually make the first move... women do.
They signal openness. Or rather, they are supposed to. Then an interested man will signal his interest to approach, usually by looking her in the eyes and smiling. A normal man won't apporach unless invited. If a man approaches without being invited it either means he is a psycho or he is one of the few men that have learned that women just don't get it, and he is compensating by testing the waters more aggressively. Yes, a lot of men don't know the steps to meeting a woman and, as a result, are socially awkward and have trouble meeting women (even when she is highly interested). This lack of skill leads to lack of confidence which then becomes a vicious circle.
Part of the problem is women are just as clueless about doing their part in the meeting ritual.
But, the biggest part of the problem is most women are completely out of control of their own sexuality. What I mean by this is, rather than deciding beforehand what she wants and then figuring out how to go about getting it, she tends to instead shut down. 90% of the time, and she is completely uninterested in any partner. That's a big problem because (most) men hunt and women choose. If 90% of the time that choice is no to anyone, and she is unaware of what she is doing, the chances for success aren't very good. The other 10% of the time, she gets overwhelmed by her needs (hormonal and otherwise) which forces her to be open to men who aren't a good match... leading to the ironic perception that there are no good men (ie no men who are a good match for her) Even though she is surrounded by them. Add in that most women put themselves on sexual display with the way they dress but shut down all signals of interest and the stage is set for some pretty fucked up behaviours.
In short, neurotic behavior in both men and women, lack of knowledge and lack of skill are at the root of the problem. Add in the fact that the relationship is mostly and illusion from the woman's point of view (ie she can and will walk with no notice and no reason at all) and you have a highly unstable situation where nobody is getting their needs met.
To fight against this, people have to study the situation and bring what they are doing into conscious awareness, and focus their will on making changes.

As a woman, it is extremely easy to get around this. First, choose who you want. Then, do what a man would do. Look him right in the eyes and smile. You might have to do it several times if he is a dumbass. He'll usually approach you unless he is taken.
Advice for Women on Inviting Guys to Approach You
You need to understand that women in this country are completely socially inept and have stopped all relationship starting behavior. That leaves the field wide open for you (a woman who knows what she is doing) with little to no competition. See a guy you like? Look at him and smile as an invitation to approach. Likely, it is quite rare for him to get signals from women, no matter who he is, what he looks like or anything else about him. He may be surrounded by women who want him but NONE of them will invite him to approach. You can swoop right in and pluck him out of the crowd easy. The downside to this is he has gone so long without this happening that he might not recognize your invitation. Just be firm and repeat it several times. Eventually, he’ll come on over. Talk lightly and steer the conversation to mutual interests and then mention you might want to do one of those together. Give him your phone number and bam; you have a date with a guy you are highly attracted to. This is easy for women to do and tough as hell for a man to do. Why? Because women get an idea in their head about the type of man they want (usually a random one at that) and are not open at all to anyone else, plus they try to keep any attraction a big secret until Mr. Right just decides to aggressively pursue them as some random encounter (yah, that works well…..not). Usually what happens is a woman gets lonely and bored and then grabs whoever just happens to be hitting on her aggressively, as a stop-gap measure. Men, on the other hand, are open to any woman of reasonable quality that seems interested in him.
What really burns my nut about the whole thing is the exception to this situation……the scumbag. Women will chase and do all sorts of freaky things for a scumbag, including competing over his sorry ass. That sort of behavior is quite natural to do for alpha males. It is decidedly unnatural and sick to do with fucked up losers.
Eye Contact

Escalating With Women

“Women chat happily, send sexually explicit signals and encourage the man’s attention, even if they have absolutely no interest in him. This gives a woman time to assess a man, say [Karl Grammer of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Urban Ethology in Vienna, who studied 45 male-female pairs of strangers in their teens and early twenties]… Importantly, the women also seemed to control the encounter – what the women did had a direct effect on what the men did next. ‘You can predict male behaviour from female behaviour but not the other way around,’ says Grammer” – New Scientist Magazine (London), February 14, 2001
Although these reports are clearly valuable, most researchers addressed courtship very generally, and some failed to recognize the importance of the female role in the courtship process .What was needed was a more complete ethogram of women's nonverbal courtship signals. To compile such a catalog of flirting behavior exhibited by women involved in initial heterosexual interaction, more than 200 adults were observed (Moore, 1985) in field settings such as singles' bars, restaurants, and parties.
Research has shown, therefore, that the cultural myth that the man is always the sexual aggressor, pressing himself on a reluctant woman, is incorrect. -- Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"? Monica M. Moore, Ph.D.Department of behavioral and Social Sciences, Webster University