The date at your place is to establish intimacy, not to have sex. But, you don’t in any way have a relationship until you have sex.
Some girls will come over to your place, more than once before the
first time. That’s just fine. What isn’t just fine is if there is
something seriously wacko with them, causing them to go after you and
then hold you in contempt once they think they have you (a large number
of women who are “damaged goods” do this……history of rape, child abuse,
drug use, etc.). They love you until you try to get close to them and
then they hate you and then love you again when you are gone. Get rid of
those girls. Typically, you will know who they are because you set
everything up, bring her over, she shows strong signs of interest the
whole time, you spend time laughing and having fun, sitting close
together on the couch and then you smile, reach over to touch her hair,
and she says, “What the fuck do you think you are doing”. That woman is
playing a game called “rape-o”. Leading men on and then making fun of
them when they admit feelings of attraction. They are freaks. The other
thing that isn’t OK is when they are trying to get you to initiate
something (They NEVER initiate anything)
and you miss the signals, let time pass and then it’s time for them to
go home. She’ll be pissed and you’ll never see her again.
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Click for "The Sexes Approaching Eachother (Eye Contact, Escalating)" |
The whole point is that things aren’t even close to being the way people are taught in our culture that they are. We are taught that you meet a girl, you talk, get to know her, and then you take her out places to both impress her and give each other a chance to learn more about each other. With time and repeated shared experience, you start to become closer, first friends, and then lovers, and then more. That is absolutely not the way it happens, at all. Instead, what happens is a woman sees you and immediately classifies you into either fuckable or non-fuckable. If you are non-fuckable, she probably doesn’t want to know you at all unless she is forced to for some reason (you belong to the same social group etc.) But, just because you are fuckable doesn’t mean you have any chance with her, no, no, no. About 90% of the time, because of fucked-upness on her part, she is anywhere from completely indifferent to hostile toward you (think about how screwed up that is…..would you ever be indifferent/hostile toward a woman who you found attractive in personality and body). About 10% of the time, she is friendly. With time and effort, you could probably convince her to start the process of becoming intimate, and if successful, you can have a relationship of some sort. About 1% of the time, she needs no convincing, or effort, and is, instead, highly motivated to become intimate with you. This means she will respond favourably every time you initiate each step, not that she will initiate anything herself, BTW. Fuckable vs non-fuckable is a matter of your attractiveness, position and personal power relative to hers. What percentage she is in willingness to be with you, providing you are fuckable, mostly at random.
The whole point is that things aren’t even close to being the way people are taught in our culture that they are. We are taught that you meet a girl, you talk, get to know her, and then you take her out places to both impress her and give each other a chance to learn more about each other. With time and repeated shared experience, you start to become closer, first friends, and then lovers, and then more. That is absolutely not the way it happens, at all. Instead, what happens is a woman sees you and immediately classifies you into either fuckable or non-fuckable. If you are non-fuckable, she probably doesn’t want to know you at all unless she is forced to for some reason (you belong to the same social group etc.) But, just because you are fuckable doesn’t mean you have any chance with her, no, no, no. About 90% of the time, because of fucked-upness on her part, she is anywhere from completely indifferent to hostile toward you (think about how screwed up that is…..would you ever be indifferent/hostile toward a woman who you found attractive in personality and body). About 10% of the time, she is friendly. With time and effort, you could probably convince her to start the process of becoming intimate, and if successful, you can have a relationship of some sort. About 1% of the time, she needs no convincing, or effort, and is, instead, highly motivated to become intimate with you. This means she will respond favourably every time you initiate each step, not that she will initiate anything herself, BTW. Fuckable vs non-fuckable is a matter of your attractiveness, position and personal power relative to hers. What percentage she is in willingness to be with you, providing you are fuckable, mostly at random.
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Click Pic for "No Woman is 'Out of Your League'" |
Next, you need to absolutely refuse to give the time of day to any woman who finds you unfuckable. Seriously, they think you are scum and anyone who thinks you are scum, doesn’t deserve a single thing from you. If you are non-fuckable from some normal woman’s perception, unless you are like, retarded, with bad BO and a wooden leg, something is wrong with her and not you.
Next, you need to absolutely refuse to give the time of day to any woman who finds you unfuckable. Seriously, they think you are scum and anyone who thinks you are scum, doesn’t deserve a single thing from you. If you are non-fuckable from some normal woman’s perception, unless you are like, retarded, with bad BO and a wooden leg, something is wrong with her and not you.
The next thing you do and what is probably the absolute minimum effort is to identify which women are in the ten percent category. Only spend time on these girls. Be nice to them. Spend time getting to know them. Only consider inviting women from this pool over to your place. It is really an invitation to develop a relationship with you and it is OK to say no (again, this is mostly random, having nothing to do with you and everything to do with her). Convincing her to come over is not your goal. Discovering if she is ready to accept your invitation is your goal.
The next thing you do and what is probably the absolute minimum effort is to identify which women are in the ten percent category. Only spend time on these girls. Be nice to them. Spend time getting to know them. Only consider inviting women from this pool over to your place. It is really an invitation to develop a relationship with you and it is OK to say no (again, this is mostly random, having nothing to do with you and everything to do with her). Convincing her to come over is not your goal. Discovering if she is ready to accept your invitation is your goal.
But, my personal opinion is that it is much more fruitful to try and find the 1% of women who are eager to be with you than to try and woo the other 9%. In other words, the the ability to select is the technique that gives you the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak.
But, my personal opinion is that it is much more fruitful to try and find the 1% of women who are eager to be with you than to try and woo the other 9%. In other words, the the ability to select is the technique that gives you the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak.
How you relate to a woman or try to impress her or try to convince her or try to develop your relationship with her, are all completely irrelevant when it comes to the reality of being with women. Instead, they make snap judgements, at random, as to if they want you or not, and how much. If a woman doesn’t want you, so what? Because she is nuts, it has nothing to do with you (but, also, don’t ignore the fact that if she DOES want you it also has nothing to do with you….part of the reason your relationship and you are disposable). Plan accordingly. And don’t be afraid to do things sooner rather than later. From her point of view (despite what she tells you and herself to deny that she is an easy whorish woman….which she most definitely is) the relationship happens all at once, not developed over time. Our culture lies to us about this because it lies to us about the truth of women. They are sick and in deep denial about being sick. It’s important for men to understand specifically about the many facets of that sickness and compensate for it….or it will cause problems for us, not the least of which is failure with women.
How you relate to a woman or try to impress her or try to convince her or try to develop your relationship with her, are all completely irrelevant when it comes to the reality of being with women. Instead, they make snap judgements, at random, as to if they want you or not, and how much. If a woman doesn’t want you, so what? Because she is nuts, it has nothing to do with you (but, also, don’t ignore the fact that if she DOES want you it also has nothing to do with you….part of the reason your relationship and you are disposable). Plan accordingly. And don’t be afraid to do things sooner rather than later. From her point of view (despite what she tells you and herself to deny that she is an easy whorish woman….which she most definitely is) the relationship happens all at once, not developed over time. Our culture lies to us about this because it lies to us about the truth of women. They are sick and in deep denial about being sick. It’s important for men to understand specifically about the many facets of that sickness and compensate for it….or it will cause problems for us, not the least of which is failure with women.
Also, because women are sick they have a particularly obnoxious mode to look out for……..being extremely attracted to evil men who are the scum of the earth.
We’ve all seen this. The hotter/younger/more desirable the woman, the
more likely she will be in this mode at any one time. While in it, she
will only consider bring with the absolute worst men….drug dealers,
criminal scum, frat boys, and other people who feel free to exist
because society is too deluded to give them the regular, vicious
beatings they so richly deserve. When a woman is like this, she has no
interest in you and is engaging in completely self-destructive behavior.

Man, this thing is like a book, but only because there is so much to know and one thing leads to and feeds off another. As they say though, knowledge is power. Wouldn’t it be much simpler if women took responsibility for being normal, healthy, mature individuals and developing sane, enduring, loving relationships?
She Expects It To Be This Way Or She Won't Respond To You!
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Click for "The Amazon Women 'The Science of Why Males Exist" |
So, what does the woman want me to do? Two things: The first is to read her mind and know when she is ready (and to fuck off if she isn’t). Wonderful. What a fucked up thing to want. This means I need to have ways to know
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"I'd like some toasted ice, please" |
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Click Pic for "You Mean Nothing to a Woman Until You've Had Sex" |
Once you have the date alone, at your house, that’s when the building of your relationship can begin, and not before. If she is there, at all, she is there for that reason, and, often, having sex for the first time is on her mind, as the starting point. Will she say that or own up to that if asked? Nope. Will she act that way? You bet your ass she will.
What a woman wants. What she will demand of you and punish you harshly if you refuse to provide it, is a chance to be alone with you, in an intimate, romantic setting, where you can spend time together, preferably doing something together and pretend that things just sort of happened.
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Click Pic for "Women as 'Friends'" |

Now, if you have a female “friend”, what this usually means is she is romantically interested in you but doesn’t think enough of you to make you a lover, so she keeps you in reserve for years, until she hits a dry spell. This is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because, often, if you set the stage correctly, she will make the transition from “friend” to lover with very little effort. But, it’s also a curse in that she has very little respect for you. As long as you focus on setting the stage for her and make it seem like it was her idea, she’ll probably have sex with you. But, expect all sorts of wild, wacky behavior afterward, followed by being dumped after maybe 2 or 3 months of wild sex. After this happens a few times, you will realize that these women are not your friends and never were.
If You Don't Have Sex on the First Date, Your Chances of Having Sex with Her At All are Slim
If you don’t have sex with a woman on the first date, your chances of having sex with her at all are slim. The other side of that coin is, if you have sex with a woman you almost always can have sex with her multiple times in the future. Your goal on a “date” is not to impress a woman with endless blather but to make an excuse for her to come back to your place where you can seduce her. MOST of the time, if you aren’t totally wasting your time with a girl, she will come back to your place under the slimmest of excuses. She is going back there for sex. If she balks, makes a weird excuse etc., you might as well get rid of her (your not getting any, probably ever). The excuse needs to be reputable (so she can pretend she didn’t actually go back to your place for sex…..women are ummmm, nuts). "Hey, come back to my place so we can watch this chick flick on my DVD," is good. "Come and see the A-frame I built next to my bed," is not.
This is one of the many lies women tell. They SAY, they want to get to know a man and generate a certain amount of closeness, before engaging in a physical relationship. But what they DO is is decide within seconds of seeing you if they will have sex with you. The invitation lasts from seconds to several hours, and often has absolutely nothing to do with you (ie, she feels like a slut at that moment in time, and you are acceptable). That’s not normal. It’s not a good thing. But, it’s the way things are.