Click to read Part One: The Family Plot: The Past

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R.I.P. Marriage 1.0 (Click Pic for "The Suffragettes versus The Patriarcy") |

Contrary to popular belief, obtaining a divorce before the 1970’s was not that difficult. Marilyn Monroe divorced three times between 1942 and 1961 while Elizabeth Taylor had four divorces under her belt and was working on her fifth when No-Fault Divorce became law. Before No-Fault Divorce was introduced there were just a few more hoops to jump through, in an effort to “find fault.” Of course, with “fault” divorce, it extends that one must prove that an actual “fault” had occurred. There were many things which constituted “fault,” including adultery, alcoholism, insanity, abandonment, and a host of others. But the most pernicious to the institution was the fault called “cruelty.”

The word cruelty was an undefined term that much resembles the word “abuse” today because almost anything
could be construed as cruelty. An argument that made her cry could be
deemed cruel. Not paying enough attention to her could be deemed cruel.
Well, you get the idea. Just look at how many things today are
classified as “abuse” which really wouldn’t be claimed as abuse anywhere
else in society except in male-female relationships. Take that meaning
of abuse and simply replace it with the word “cruelty” and you’ve
pretty much got the spirit behind the system. Over years of having a
relationship with someone else, it is pretty easy to find something
that can be considered abuse or cruelty in one way or another.
what happened before No-Fault Divorce was that a trial
occurred to prove the husband was “cruel,” and therefore a divorce
ought to be granted. This caused the dragging out of people’s dirty
laundry and was pretty much just a show trial. Belfort Bax referred to the
“cruelty” argument as a sham over a century ago
already, indicating it was all about taking normal human
interactions and having a lawyer twist things around to portray the
husband as some heinous monster when the reality was far from it.
No-Fault Divorce was really more about not making the courts look like hypocrites for orchestrating such a charade. They finally said,
“Give her the damn divorce already and let’s just get it over with.”
Women have always gotten what they wanted from the courts when her adversary was a man.
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Click Pic for "The Suffragettes versus The Patriarchy" |
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Click for "Feminizing the Decline (Hypergamy and Birthrates)" |
One of those answers can be found in the present day, as our great altruistic feminist sisters attempt to "help" the women of the third world. The feminist organization CARE puts out the following claim:
"When a girl in the developing world receives seven years of education, she marries four years later and has 2.2 fewer children."
In other words, they are messing with hypergamy and they know it affects marriage and birthrates.
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Click Pic for "Sex Sells (Hypergamy Explained)" |
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't particularly have a problem with girls receiving an education, but what I am pointing out is that feminists know they are altering the conditions of the nuclear family by pushing women into the workforce - where they will be directly competing with men.
Of course, the same website claims that women put 90% of their income back into their families but makes no mention of the percentage of income the men put back into their families (Do the men spend 50% of their income at the local tavern and the other 50% wagering on cock-fighting in the alleyway?) Nor does it indicate what kind of families they are talking about. Do they mean
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Click Pic for "The Liberation of Men" |
You only have to look at our recent economic crisis of 2008/09 to see what feminists consider "family." While men lost their jobs in significantly larger numbers than women, when job recovery began to occur, feminists started complaining that men were getting re-hired in larger numbers than women. (Kinda makes sense, eh? If three times as many men lost jobs as women, a similar ratio of men ought to be re-hired during a recovery - except in femi-supremacist 50/50 land). Then, feminists tried to claim that men were receiving hiring preference because they had families to care for and complained because women too had families they were providing for!

Yes indeed, but the difference is what kind of families we are talking about. A man providing for his family generally means that the man, his wife, and their children all get food put on the table whereas for the most part, when a woman provides for her family, they mean there is food on the table for the single/divorced mom and her children. There is no man being provided for in this equation.
Women don't care for men the way men care for women - they care for themselves and their children. A single mom "family" leaves the male out of the equation, where he starves on the street corner alone - it certainly does not lead to general economic improvement if the male gender is left to suffer in poverty separately from families. In the traditional nuclear family, men, women and children receive the benefits of the man's labour but in the new single-mother "family," only women and children receive benefits. The men just magically vanish to... who knows where?
The radical feminists of the Second Wave understood this as well:
"How will the family unit be destroyed? ... the demand alone will
throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women
can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can
fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare." -- From Female Liberation by Roxanne Dunbar
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Click for "The Legend of the Selkie and Father Custody" |
Previously, a woman's standard of living significantly improved upon marriage as men worked like mules to provide for their families. After the second wave arrived, women were encouraged to "have it all" and be both high-earning career chicks and brave single-mother at the same time. Of course, there is nothing wrong with women aspiring to do something more than live up to traditional sex-roles, but overall in our culture, women have merely cooked the Golden Goose by insisting on pursuing their dreams and aspirations.
"No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one." -- Simone de Beauvoir, "Sex, Society, and the Female Dilemma" Saturday Review, June 14, 1975, p.18
"If even 10 percent of American women remain full-time homemakers, this will reinforce traditional views of what women ought to do and encourage other women to become full-time homemakers at least while their children are young... This means that no matter how any individual feminist might feel about childcare and housework, the movement as a whole [has] reasons to discourage full-time homemaking." -- Jane J. Mansbridge, Why We Lost the ERA, p.100
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Click Pic for "Useful Idiots Play Checkers, Marxists Play Chess" |
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Click Pic for "Testing, Testing... 1,2,3... Testing" |
“Women chat happily, send sexually explicit signals and encourage the man’s attention, even if they have absolutely no interest in him. This gives a woman time to assess a man, says [Karl Grammer of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Urban Ethology in Vienna, who studied 45 male-female pairs of strangers in their teens and early twenties]… Importantly, the women also seemed to control the encounter – what the women did had a direct effect on what the men did next. ‘You can predict male behaviour from female behaviour but not the other way around,’ says Grammer” – New Scientist Magazine (London), February 14, 2001

Although these reports are clearly valuable, most researchers addressed courtship very generally, and some failed to recognize the importance of the female role in the courtship process .What was needed was a more complete ethogram of women's nonverbal courtship signals. To compile such a catalog of flirting behavior exhibited by women involved in initial heterosexual interaction, more than 200 adults were observed (Moore, 1985) in field settings such as singles' bars, restaurants, and parties.
Research has shown, therefore, that the cultural myth that the man is always the sexual aggressor, pressing himself on a reluctant woman, is incorrect. -- Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"? Monica M. Moore, Ph.D.Department of behavioral and Social Sciences, Webster University
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Click Pic for "Rats (Or, He Chases Her Until She Catches Him)" |
These types of campaigns were designed to drive the sexes apart by monkeying with the basics of the mating dance - which women insist on perpetuating, no matter how much men get criminalized for doing what she desires in the process.
A similar thing has happened in the workplace, where women once often found a husband. Today, after a plethora of sexual harassment laws being introduced, anyone in a position of power could get into no end of trouble for trying to woo a woman who is subordinate to him, even though women in the past often married their bosses. Remember, women are hypergamous and seek out men who are more powerful and wealthier than they are, thus, it is natural for a woman herself to be attracted to someone in a position of authority over her. Do you really think Monica Lewisnky wasn't tickled pink to be the President's cigar holder? But, since men are the designated initiators in the mating dance while women always hide behind plausible deniability, it is the male's part of the dance that had to be outlawed in order to drive the sexes apart. When desiring women is outlawed, only outlaws will desire women.
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Click Pic for "Cultural Pillars and Critical Theory" |
This was the end of expecting that sexual relations were to be a part of marriage. If your wife - your lifelong mate - is no more of your expected sexual partner than a strange woman you have just met at the pub whom you have to woo and game into having "intimate relations"... then what is the point of setting up a legal framework such as marriage to contain two people's sexuality into the institution in the first place? Keep in mind as well, the sexual revolution had also made adultery a "right" for women (her sacred right to control her own body). If there is no expectation of either sex for the husband, nor the expectation for sexual fidelity in marriage... then... um... what is the point of marriage? It has been deconstructed into basically nothing at all.
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R.I.P. Marriage 2.0 (Click Pic for "The Fraud of Modern Marriage") |
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Click for "Principles of Seduction" |
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Click for "The Wife of Noble Character" |