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In terms of intelligence, men and women are equal in that the average IQ
of all males is equal to the average IQ of all females. There is a
difference in how these equal intelligences are arrived at however.
.Female intelligence is clustered around the mean far more than male intelligence. There is far less variation in female intelligence. To put it more simply, the female population’s intelligence tends to be concentrated in greater numbers around the average IQ of 100, while the male population has a greater range on both the high and low IQ scale. A far greater percentage of female IQ’s reside between 90 to 110 than males, while conversely, males inhabit the extremes of IQ between 70 to 130 in far greater percentage than females. The more you go to the extremes, the more it becomes virtually all male, in both high and low.

When one looks at “happiness,” we find the same thing as we find in intelligence. Researchers have discovered that when they ask men to rate the periods of their lives where they feel satisfied or dissatisfied, they find that men have a major “spike” of dissatisfaction commonly known as Mid-Life Crisis. But, when asking the females, what they find is that women do not have a major mid life crisis like men; however, they have several “mini” mid life crises that occur at various times in their cycle of life.
When the researchers total up all of the time in a male’s life to find his “average” happiness and compare it to the female’s average happiness throughout her life, what they find is that both males and females have almost the identical average amount of happiness in their respective lives. However, the male’s midlife crisis is far more intense than anything the typical female will ever experience – but, he only goes through it once.

If we look at sin, or good and evil, what would you expect to find except again the same phenomenon? The 9/11 Terrorists were reportedly male, but so were most of the firemen who sacrificed their lives saving others when the towers collapsed. Hitler and Ghandi were both males - the worst and best of humanity both in the same spectrum but at different ends, just like IQ.
While men are certainly physically stronger than women, they are also more likely to succumb to the top ten fatal diseases and on average die seven years earlier than women. Who is stronger? The willow or the oak?
When a boy is bad it is very noticeable and often in the form of an outburst or some form of physical aggression. It is very hard to miss a male’s evil because its nature is overt and it occurs as a “spike.” Male aggression is stereotypically to hit, kick, shout or destroy something. The boy may go through long periods of “nothing” followed by a spike that is hard to ignore.

What we end up seeing is that male aggression occurs as a noticeable spike that lasts only a short time while female aggression is less intense but lasts over a longer period of time. When we average out the two forms of aggression, we again will find that both male and female are equal, but different.

Now, to the point of “equal but different,” it must also be noted that male and female sex drives are equal but different in the same manner as the above examples.
Jack Kammer, in his online book, If Men Have All The Power, How Come Women Make The Rules? said it best, so I will steal his example:
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Female sexuality, however, is like annoying junk mail. It is everywhere and steadily drones on and on at everybody, whether they are the intended target or not.
While males may think about the sex act itself more than women, the equal opposite is that women think about being “sexy” to the same degree.
Men have fewer but far more intense erogenous zones, while women have erogenous zones located all over their bodies. In fact, it is fair to say that a woman’s entire body is an erogenous zone that is dispersed with lowered sexual sensitivity but over a greater area, making it equal to the man’s. This is why women are so much more into “intimacy” and the mental aspects of sex. Her entire body is involved in having sex whereas only certain, but more intense, parts of the male’s body are.
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"Contrary to the general opinion, there is no difference in the total sexual impulses of the sexes.../...Any such idea comes from a confusion between the desire for a thing and the stimulus towards the active part in securing what is desired.../...It is important to distinguish between the intensity with which sexual matters are pursued and the proportion of the total activities of life that are devoted to them and to their accessory cares." -- Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, Male and Female Sexuality.
It is horribly inaccurate for one to say that only men want sex. It is far more accurate to say that both men and women want sex equally. In fact, the only imperatives of all living things is to: 1). Survive, so that one can: 2). Reproduce. All other things are in support of these two imperatives that are universal to all living things. Males and females both have an equal desire to do this. Sex is the core of existence itself.
We may think that we humans are smarter than animals, but when it comes to sexual instinct we are animals that follow the same mating patterns as most other species in the animal kingdom.
One needs only to look at studies of sexually transmitted disease by gender to see that STD’s affect a far greater percentage of the female population than the male population. There is a reason for this: 80% of the females are sleeping with 20% of the males, and those males are the alpha males in society. Humans have reverted back to the mating instincts found in most of the animal kingdom where the alpha males breed most of the females, while the beta males breed with none.
Again, you can see that male sexuality and female sexuality are “equal yet opposite.”
This “equal-opposite” aspect of sexuality is essential in understanding patriarchy and why things were set up in certain ways, which I will attempt to describe and explain in the next section.
Further Reading:
Sex, Mathematics, And Political Correctness -- by Fred Reed
Rats (Or, He Chases Her Until She Catches Him)
Women More Promiscuous at Sex than Men
“‘Really, women’s desire is not relational, it’s narcissictic.’ — it’s dominated by the yearnings of ‘self-love,’ by the wish to be the object of erotic admiration and sexual need. Still, on the subject of narcissism, she talked about research indicating that, in comparison with men, women’s erotic fantasies center less on giving pleasure and more on getting it. ‘When it comes to desire,’ she added, ‘women may be far less relational than men.’” -- Sex and Relationships, Bonobo Sex, and ‘Lady Boners’: Is Women’s Desire Really That Confusing? – by Vanessa Richmond
Rats (Or, He Chases Her Until She Catches Him)
Women More Promiscuous at Sex than Men
“‘Really, women’s desire is not relational, it’s narcissictic.’ — it’s dominated by the yearnings of ‘self-love,’ by the wish to be the object of erotic admiration and sexual need. Still, on the subject of narcissism, she talked about research indicating that, in comparison with men, women’s erotic fantasies center less on giving pleasure and more on getting it. ‘When it comes to desire,’ she added, ‘women may be far less relational than men.’” -- Sex and Relationships, Bonobo Sex, and ‘Lady Boners’: Is Women’s Desire Really That Confusing? – by Vanessa Richmond
From Belfort Bax's 1913 piece The Fraud of Feminism pp.25-27
Now let us consider the whole of the differentiations of the mental
character between man and woman in the light of a further generalisation
which is sufficiently obvious in itself and which has been formulated
with special clearness by the late Otto Weininger in his remarkable
book,"Geschlecht und Charakter" (Sex and Character). I refer to the observations contained in Section II.,Chaps. 2 and 3.
The point has been, of course, previously noted, and the present writer,
among others, has on various occasions called special attention to it.
But its formulation and elaboration by Weininger is the most complete I
know. The truth in question consists in the fact, undeniable to all
those not rendered impervious to facts by preconceived dogma, that, as I
have elsewhere put it, while man has a sex, woman is a sex. Let us hear
Weininger on this point. "Woman is only sexual, man is also sexual.
Alike in time and space this difference may be traced in man, parts of
his body susceptible to sexual excitement are small in number and
strictly localised. In woman sexuality is diffused over the whole body,
every contact on whatever part excites her sexually."
Weininger points out that while the sexual element in man, owing to the
physio-logical character of the sexual organs, may be at times more
violent than that in woman, yet that it is spasmodic and occurs in
crises separated by intervals of quiescence. In woman, on the otherhand,
while less spasmodic, it is continuous. The sexual instinct with man
being, as he styles it, "anappendix" and no more, he can raise himself
mentally entirely outside of it. "He is conscious of it as of
something which he possesses but which is not inseparate from the rest
of his nature. He can view it objectively. With woman this is not the
case; the sex element is part of her whole nature. Hence, it is not as
with man, clearly recognisable in local manifestations, but subtly
affects the whole life of the organism. For this reason the man is
conscious of the sexual element within him as such, whereas the woman is
unconscious of it as such. It is not for nothing that in common
parlance woman is spoken of as 'the sex.' In this sexual differentiation
of the whole life-nature of woman from man, deducible as it is from
physiological andanatomical distinctions, lies the ground of those
differentiations of function which culminate in the fact that while
mankind in its intellectual moral and technical development is
represented in the main by Man, Woman has continued to find her chief
function in the direct procreation of the race." .
"The central organizing principle of primate social life is competition between females and especially female lineages... Females should be, if anything, more competitive than males, not less, although the manner in which females compete may be less direct, less boisterous, and hence, more difficult to measure" -- The Woman That Never Evolved -- by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
“Study debunks stereotype that men think about sex all day long”
[T]he research discredits the persistent stereotype that men think about sex every seven seconds, which would amount to more than 8,000 thoughts about sex in 16 waking hours. In the study, the median number of young men’s thought about sex stood at almost 19 times per day. Young women in the study reported a median of nearly 10 thoughts about sex per day.
As a group, the men also thought about food almost 18 times per day and sleep almost 11 times per day, compared to women’s median number of thoughts about eating and sleep, at nearly 15 times and about 8 1/2 times, respectively. – Medical Xpress
(*** Please note, even though I posted this to show how stupid this meme has become, one still has to realize the way feminist researchers came to this "once every X seconds" BS is by taking the amount of hours one spends in a day thinking about such things, then dividing it by the amount of seconds in a day, and coming up with every seven or fifteen, or whatever seconds, to make it seem like men are stunted rapists thinking about sex constantly. What they are really saying is that men thought about sex for 15 minutes, multiplied by X per day (maybe three times, or six times a day), which is not surprising, and then divided the total amount of those times into how many seconds are in each day. It is totally bogus propaganda which was used to fuel the rape industry. So men think about sex for 10 minutes at a time, 8 times a day, while women think about sex 7 times a day for 5 minutes. Does that really make men into walking hardons that are looking for easy rape victims?)
From Otto Weininger's Sex and Character, Male and Female Sexuality
Woman is only sexual, man is partly sexual, and this difference reveals itself in various ways. The parts of the male body by stimulation of which sexuality is excited are limited in area, and are strongly localised, whilst in the case of the woman, they are diffused over her whole body, so that stimulation may take place almost from any part. When in the second chapter of Part I., I explained that sexuality is distributed over the whole body of both sexes, I did not mean that, therefore, the sense organs, through which the definite impulses are stimulated, were equally distributed. There are, certainly, areas of greater excitability, even in the case of the woman, but there is not, as in the man, a sharp division between the sexual areas and the body generally.
The morphological isolation of the sexual area from the rest of the body in the case of man, may be taken as symbolical of the relation of sex to his whole nature. Just as there is a contrast between the sexual and the sexless parts of a man's body, so there is a time-change in his sexuality. The female is always sexual, the male is sexual only intermittently. The sexual instinct is always active in woman (as to the apparent exceptions to this sexuality of women, I shall have to speak later on), whilst in man it is at rest from time to time. And thus it happens that the sexual impulse of the male is eruptive in character and so appears stronger. The real difference between the sexes is that in the male the desire is periodical, in the female continuous.